About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Energy Studies Review Journal serves as an interdisciplinary journal, publishing papers on major themes including energy policy, energy systems optimization. energy management, sustainable energy and decarbonization, energy technology, renewabal energy, social impacts of energy utilization, and surveys of experimental and theoretical approaches. The perspective is intended to be broad and policy related energy papers are particularly welcome. From time to time we will devote special issues of the Review to themes corresponding to timely topics or recent conferences. Ideas regarding themes or conference collaboration for special issues are most welcome. While we anticipate that economics and operations research will continue to serve as a primary analytic tool, all methodological approaches – including engineering, geography, marketing, social sciences, and sciences – are most welcome.


As of September 1, 2024, open access article processing fees will be $1,550.00 CAD, inclusive of all taxes.  We waive all open access charges for authors from low-income countries (Group A) and provide a 50% discount for authors from mdeium-income countries (Group B). 


For more information on the journal, including submitting manuscripts and subscription information, and activities associated with Energy Studies Review, please check out the rest of our website at: https://energystudiesreview.ca